Kirstie Burgin, Chair

Kirstie, from February 2024 is the BAF Chair, having served previously as BAF Vice Chair and a BAF committee member for a number of years. Away from BAF Kirstie has been a committee member at Sanders Lane allotments for over 12 years and is their Chair & Secretary. At Sanders Lane Kirstie’s youngest daughter also helps on the plot. Professionally, Kirstie is an HR manager.

Gordon Kerr

Gordon Kerr, Vice Chair

Gordon has served as a BAF committee member including the role of BAF Chair.
Previously Gordon represented Bells Hill allotments at BAF meetings since self-management became a live issue in 2011. Gordon was Bells Hill Chair and Secretary until timed out (10 years) in September 2022. He is a career debt capital
markets specialist.

Brigitte Ascher

Brigitte Ascher, Treasurer

Brigitte was appointed BAF Treasurer in 2024 having previously managed BAF communications and fulfilled various committee roles for a large allotment site. Apart from being an allotment gardener, Brigitte is also a dedicated cold-water swimmer braving any temperature in the Ladies’ Pond.

Paul Castignetti, Site Advisor

Paul is a professional landscape gardener and horticulturalist with many years’ experience of fencing, tree work, landscaping, construction and drainage. For several years, he was the site manager of a large allotment site. 

Liz Hall,

Liz for many years has served on the committees of both the committees of both BAF and West Hendon Allotments.

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